Help For Women
Naala Djookan Healing Centre provides support and services specifically for women and children who are experiencing and or are affected by family and domestic violence. At Naala Djookan Healing Centre, we recognise the intersection between family and domestic violence and vulnerable communities.
We aim to provide a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive service and welcomes all women, non-binary and gender diverse individuals from all cultures, backgrounds and experiences.
Naala Djookan Healing Centre has interpreting services available for anyone that requires or requests this support.
Support For Families
Naala Djookan walks alongside women and their families who are rebuilding their life as a result of experiencing family and domestic violence. We do this by assisting women and families to build skills and knowledge and utilise connections within the community that ultimately contribute to their journey of healing.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Parenting support through programs such as Circle of Security and Protective Behaviours
- Budgeting and financial skills through workshops
- Individual support through Financial Counsellor
- Legal Support
- Advocacy for school-related support.

Support For Service Providers
Naala Djookan Healing Centre has been developed in partnership with 10 other service providers and the local government. Naala Djookan Healing Centre has a strong collaborative approach and is open to working with other service providers to provide a culturally rich and strong community that is safe and free from violence.
Naala Djookan Healing Centre works with other service providers by:
- Hosting networking meetings
- Establishing referral pathways
- Collaborating with other services to respond to emerging needs
- Building partnerships to increase community safety
If you are looking to make a direct referral, please do so below.
Help For The Community
Naala Djookan aims to not only provide support to women and children in the community that are experiencing domestic and family violence but also inform the community and raise awareness about family and domestic violence and where they can go for assistance if they have concerns
This is done through:
- Community presentations with community leaders, community groups and service providers about Naala Djookan Healing Centre
- Community education programs and workshops
- Participating in and hosting community events
In addition to providing support to the community, we want to ensure that the services we provide are both evidence-based and informed by community needs and experiences.
To do this, we seek feedback from the community through the Naala Djookan Reference Groups. These are made up of community members that inform the services and support Naala Djookan Healing Centre provides. To find out more about the reference groups see below.